brand standards

Symbols of Intent: Why Brand Standards are Important

Symbols of Intent: Why Brand Standards are Important

Name brands that are part of our vernacular don’t become everyday nouns and verbs by accident. Such brand organizations have a voice in our world that we resonate with.

We personally align ourselves to brands that symbolize our values, knowing they help us identify with others who share the same ideals and strengthen those connections between each other. We use brand names, logos, taglines, colors, and messages as smoke signals in a noise-filled world.

The In-House Type: USC University Communications

The In-House Type: USC University Communications

"Two words: Flex Friday," says Sheharazad Fleming, Art Director at USC. "We tend to slow down a bit over the month of July, during which, our creatives are each encouraged to take a Friday break from the office to seek out inspiration."

The In-House Type: The Honest Company

The In-House Type: The Honest Company

Tim Hankins didn't go to art school, he studied advertising. Hankins cut his teeth in the world of design at the crossroads of music and the Internet in the late 90s. He's now the Director of Design at The Honest Company, and been with the company since October 2011 before the company had any products or even a website.